SEO Then vs Now: How the Game Has Changed

Akanksha Chandan
9 min readApr 26, 2024


Remember that childhood game where you followed cryptic clues to find hidden treasure? SEO can feel a bit like that sometimes. We, the SEO warriors, are on a quest to conquer the search engine rankings, but the mapmaker (ahem, Google) likes to keep some things under wraps. They give us the general directions — the major algorithm updates and core principles — but there are always hidden pathways and secret shortcuts waiting to be discovered.

Why the secrecy? Well, maybe Google wants to keep things interesting. They don’t want the SEO game to be a snoozefest where everyone knows exactly what to do. They want us to be curious, to experiment, and to constantly be on the lookout for new ways to win.

Here’s the good news: this mystery isn’t a dead end. It’s an opportunity! By being proactive, analyzing trends, and staying a step ahead, we can crack the code in Google’s maze and emerge victorious. This blog post is your treasure map, guiding you through the fascinating world of SEO’s evolution. We’ll uncover how SEO has transformed from keyword-stuffing days to a user-first approach, where killer content and technical know-how are king. We’ll also explore the growing importance of user experience and the exciting rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the SEO game.

So, grab your detective hat and magnifying glass, SEO adventurers! Let’s break down the complexities of SEO, even with Google keeping some secrets hidden. We’re in for a thrilling ride!

The Evolution of SEO: Then vs Now

Let’s start with an easy-to-understand table and then dig deeper for the deets. Here’s a comparison table outlining how SEO has evolved:

How seo has evolved over time — then vs now
From Keyword Stuffing to User Focus: The Evolution of SEO

Taking a drive back to the introduction, here are some real-life examples of SEO factors that Google didn’t explicitly announce, but which SEO experts eventually recognized:

1. Mobile-First Indexing

While Google eventually confirmed mobile-first indexing in 2016, there were earlier clues picked up by astute SEOs. For instance, a noticeable shift in search results favoring mobile-friendly websites and a rise in mobile-specific ranking factors like page speed on mobile devices became evident. This led SEO experts to suspect a mobile-first approach well before the official announcement.

2. Entity Recognition

Google hasn’t explicitly stated the exact workings of its Entity Recognition system, but SEO professionals have observed its impact. This system helps search engines understand the concepts and entities (people, places, things) mentioned within content. By analyzing how search engines rank content that mentions relevant entities without exact keyword matches, SEO experts have been able to infer how entity recognition plays a role in ranking.

3. User Dwell Time

Google doesn’t directly confirm dwell time (how long users stay on a webpage) as a ranking factor. However, SEO professionals have noticed a correlation between high-quality content that keeps users engaged and improved search rankings. This, along with Google’s focus on user experience, suggests dwell time likely plays a role in ranking algorithms.

4. Quality of Backlinks Over Quantity

In the early days of SEO, the number of backlinks a website had mattered most. However, Google’s crackdown on link-building schemes forced SEO experts to adapt. They observed that high-quality backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites carried more weight than a large number of low-quality backlinks. This shift, while not explicitly announced, became a cornerstone of modern SEO strategies.

5. The Rise of Voice Search

While Google offers some information about voice search optimization, the specific nuances of how voice search algorithms work remain somewhat opaque. However, SEO professionals have noticed the growing popularity of voice search and the importance of optimizing content for conversational language queries. This proactive approach allows them to stay ahead of the curve even without a complete roadmap from Google.

These are just a few examples of how SEO experts have cracked the code on Google’s “mystery maze.” By staying observant, analyzing trends, and being willing to experiment, SEOs can continue to unlock the secrets to SEO success, even when Google keeps some of its cards close to its chest.

If you have observed any such ranking factor, please so share in the comments below!

How SEO Has Transformed From Keyword Cramming to User-Centric Strategies

The landscape of SEO has undergone a dramatic metamorphosis since its early days. What once involved simply stuffing keywords into web pages has evolved into a complex dance of user intent, technical prowess, and content mastery. This blog delves into the key factors that have revolutionized SEO, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate the ever-changing digital terrain.

The Great Keyword Shift

In the bygone era of SEO (pre-2010s), keyword density reigned supreme. Websites were crammed with exact-match keywords, often resulting in unnatural and robotic content. Search engines like Google, however, have grown far more sophisticated in understanding user intent and semantic relevance.

Today, the focus lies on using keywords naturally and strategically throughout your content, while incorporating Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords. LSI keywords are semantically related terms that enrich your content and signal topical relevance to search engines. For instance, an article about “hiking trails” might benefit from LSI keywords like “backpacking essentials,” “scenic overlooks,” or “mountain safety tips.”

Trust me, I’ve encountered web pages ranking for keywords with minimal presence in the actual content. These pages likely rank well because the overall sentiment and topic of the content align with the search query.

Content: The Cornerstone of Modern SEO

High-quality, informative content now sits at the heart of a successful SEO strategy. Gone are the days of thin content pages solely designed to rank for specific keywords. Search engines prioritize content that offers genuine value to users, fulfills a search intent, and establishes topical authority. This encompasses in-depth articles, engaging blog posts, informative videos, and well-structured infographics.

The more detailed, reliable, and informative your content is, the greater the chances it has of ranking high.

The Power of User Experience (UX)

User experience (UX) has become a critical ranking factor. Search engines prioritize websites that offer a seamless and enjoyable user experience, particularly on mobile devices. This translates to ensuring your website is responsive, has a clear and intuitive navigation structure, and boasts fast loading times. Nobody wants to wait for a website to load, and search engines know this. Prioritizing mobile-friendliness is essential, as Google now uses a mobile-first indexing approach.

Technical SEO: Beyond the Basics

While on-page optimization remains important (think title tags, meta descriptions, headings, and image alt text), technical SEO has become considerably more intricate. Here’s a breakdown of some key technical SEO considerations:

  • Mobile-First Indexing: As mentioned earlier, Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites. Your website should be responsive and adapt seamlessly across various devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones).
  • Page Speed Optimization: Fast loading times are crucial for user experience and SEO success. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help identify areas for improvement, such as image optimization, caching mechanisms, and minification of code.
  • Structured Data Markup: Implementing structured data markup provides search engines with richer information about your content, potentially leading to richer search results. This can include details about your business, products, events, or recipes.

The Backlink Balancing Act

Backlinks remain a significant SEO factor, but the emphasis has shifted from quantity to quality. Building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites within your niche is far more valuable than a plethora of low-quality links. Strategies like guest blogging on relevant websites, creating link-worthy content, and broken link building can help you acquire valuable backlinks organically.

Freshness is King (and Queen)

Static content rarely gets noticed by search engines anymore. Regularly updating your content with fresh information, new insights, and valuable additions demonstrates your commitment to providing a valuable user experience. This could involve revising existing content, adding new sections, or creating entirely new pieces that address emerging trends within your niche.

Local SEO: A Boon for Brick-and-Mortar Businesses

For businesses with a physical location, optimizing for local search is paramount. Claiming and optimizing your Google My Business profile is essential for local search visibility. Encourage positive customer reviews, respond to inquiries promptly, and keep your profile information up-to-date.

The Rise of Voice Search

Voice search is rapidly gaining traction, and optimizing your content for conversational language queries is becoming increasingly important. Consider the way people naturally ask questions and structure your content to address those conversational search patterns. For instance, an article titled “Best Hiking Trails in California” might be optimized for voice search queries like “what are the most scenic hiking trails near me?”

The Evolving SEO Landscape

The world of SEO is constantly in flux. Search engine algorithms are updated regularly, and user behavior continues to evolve. Staying abreast of the latest trends through industry publications, attending SEO conferences, and following reputable SEO experts is crucial for long-term success.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in SEO

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the SEO landscape. Search engines leverage AI in several ways to improve search results and user experience. Here are some key areas where AI is making its mark:

Enhanced User Intent Understanding: AI algorithms are adept at analyzing user search queries and understanding the underlying intent behind those searches. This allows search engines to deliver results that are more relevant and address the specific needs of the user. For SEOs, this means crafting content that aligns not just with keywords, but also with the deeper user intent behind those keywords.

Data Analysis on Steroids: The vast amount of data generated by search queries and user behavior can be overwhelming to process with traditional methods. AI excels at analyzing these massive datasets, identifying patterns, and uncovering valuable insights. SEOs can leverage AI tools to gain a deeper understanding of their target audience, competitor strategies, and emerging trends within their niche.

Content Optimization & Personalization: AI-powered tools can analyze existing content and suggest improvements for better readability, comprehensiveness, and relevance. Additionally, AI can help personalize search results and content recommendations based on individual user behavior and search history. This presents an opportunity for SEOs to create content that is more targeted and engaging for their specific audience.

Predictive Search & Emerging Topics: AI can analyze search trends and predict what topics or questions users might be searching for in the future. This allows SEOs to be proactive in their content strategy, creating content that anticipates user needs and positions them to capitalize on emerging trends within their niche.

By understanding how AI is influencing SEO, we can adapt our strategies and leverage these powerful tools to improve our content, target the right audience, and ultimately climb the search engine rankings.

Suggested read: Google Isn’t Killing All AI Content, Just the Clickbait Junk

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About SEO

1. I keep hearing about SEO, but what exactly is it?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s the practice of optimizing your website and content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. The higher you rank, the more likely people are to find your website organically, without needing to pay for ads.

2. Okay, SEO is important, but isn’t it just about stuffing keywords into my content?

Not anymore! Modern SEO focuses on creating high-quality, informative content that genuinely helps users. Keywords are still important, but they should be used naturally and strategically within your content. Search engines now prioritize user intent and relevance over simple keyword density.

3. I see a lot about “mobile-first indexing” — what does that mean?

It means Google primarily uses the mobile version of your website to determine its ranking. In today’s mobile-first world, ensuring your website is responsive and provides a great user experience on smartphones and tablets is crucial for SEO success.

4. With all this talk about algorithms and AI, is SEO just too complicated for small businesses?

Absolutely not! While SEO can be complex, there are plenty of basic principles you can implement to improve your website’s ranking. Focus on creating valuable content, optimizing your website for mobile devices, and building backlinks from reputable websites in your niche. Many free and affordable SEO tools are available to help you with keyword research and website analysis.

5. How can I stay up-to-date on the latest SEO trends?

The world of SEO is constantly evolving. Here are some tips:

  • Follow reputable SEO blogs and publications.
  • Attend SEO conferences or webinars.
  • Connect with other SEO professionals online and offline.
  • Stay informed about Google’s algorithm updates.

By staying curious and learning as you go, you can master the ever-changing world of SEO and climb the search engine ladder!

I wrote this blog with the help of a super smart tool called Gemini. But it needed my ideas to make it extra interesting for you! I added some fun details and made it my own. Enjoy! :)



Akanksha Chandan

MBA — Marketing & International Management | Marketing Team Lead @ Grazitti Interactive | Sprouting Interest in Psychology